- DAUGHTER OF THE BRIGHT MOON 3 - A black ink and gray pencil drawing on an 11 x 14 size vellum paper. It appears in the paperback, Daughter of the Bright Moon" by Lynn Abbey.
After the paperback was published I received a phone call from the author's father. He wanted to obtain one of the original drawings from the book for his daughter, I believe it was her first published work. But he just asked me to send him one of the drawings, and proceeded to give me his address. I interrupted him, to inform him that my drawings are not "free", and when I asked $100 for one of the drawings he got quite upset. He didn't think that I would actually charge him a fee for it! I replied that I am a professional illustrator, I do this stuff to earn a living, it's not my hobby. So finally, but reluctantly, he gave in and paid me $100 for one of the drawings.
Actually, if the author herself had phoned and asked to buy one of the drawings I would have sent it to her with my compliments, no charge. I've done that several times with other writers. And even in this case, if her father had called and offered to buy one of the drawings I may have given him one without charging a fee because I liked the idea that he thought about pleasing his daughter. But he was so damned "assuming" with his request, and so abrasive when I asked for payment, that I stayed with asking for payment.

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